Licensed and Certified Auditors

Continuous education is prerequisite for quality.

Prof. Milovan Filipović PhD

Partner and director of the company, Licensed certified auditor and consultant
  • partner and director of the Company
  • President of the Assembly of the Chamber of Authorized Auditors
  • member of the Committee for examination of becoming a certified auditor at the Chamber of Authorized Auditors
  • more than 30 years of experience in the field of accounting and finance, managing position in economy, stock exchange and foreign trade operations, many years of experience in the audit of financial statements, value assessment of the company, accounting and financial consulting and other projects
  • court expert in the field of economy and finances
  • coauthor of several books in the field of finance, accounting and value assessment of the company

Prof. Mirko Andrić PhD

Partner of the Company, Certified auditor and consultant
  • many years of experience in the audit of financial statements, preparation and audit of business plans and value assessment of the company
  • professor at the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economy in Podgorica
  • member of the Serbian Scientific Society of Economists
  • member of the editorial staff of the magazines Računovodstvo and Revizor
  • author and coauthor of several books and scientific and professional papers in the field of audit, finances and investments
  • mentor on 7 PhD thesis

Prof. Đoko Malešević, PhD

Licensed certified auditor and consultant
  • years of experience in the auditing of financial statements, auditing of projects, auditing due to recapitalization, and auditing of equity
  • authorized to educate certified accountants by the ACCI
  • published many books and scientific works in the field of analysis, audit and consulting

Jelena Krpić, PhD

Licensed certified auditor and consultant
  • years of experience in the audit of financial statements
  • experience in banking and economy in terms of preparing and creating financial statements
  • experience in accounting and financial consulting

Ljiljana Mladenović, BEcon

Licensed certified auditor
  • years of experience in the audit of financial statements
  • experience in accounting
  • experience in insurance companies operations

Tanja Mičić, MEcon

Licensed certified auditor
  • years of experience in the audit of financial statements
  • team member on projects of management accounting, equity and asset valuations, assessing creditworthiness of companies

Radmila Antonijević, BEcon

Licensed certified auditor
  • years of experience in the audit of financial statements
  • many years of experience as head of accounting
  • permanent expert witness in the field of economy and finance

Luka Filipović, PhD

Certified auditor
  • team member on audit of financial statements
  • experience in management accounting projects, equity and asset valuations, assessing of creditworthiness of companies
  • experience in stock exchange and foreign trade operations
  • experience in numeration of articles with EAN bar code symbolization
  • author and coauthor of scientific and professional papers in the field of finances
  • experience in auditing on the basis of recapitalization and agreed upon procedures

It would be a pleasure to have an immediate opportunity to present the services in our field.

Prof. Milovan Filipovic, PhD, director

Our clients

Satisfied users of our services are our best reference